An interview with Ruud Antonius concerning his book can be found on
All of a sudden I have found myself to be very busy. During the last week I have been finishing the painting below, creating this homepage and doing all sorts of other things which I never knew had to be done once you've written a book. Quite exciting and a trifle tiring, but hey, I don't wish to complain. For the time being I am enjoying every moment. The second book is coming along nicely though I have decided to rewrite the first chapter. Bugger!! But I wasn't happy with the way it developed.
Underneath a small excerpt from a conversation between Pete and Anthony in the second book I am very happy with. ‘Moi father took me to the pigstoi when I was about 13, you know loike they do when you’re around that age to explain that your pecker’s not just there to see how high you can piss up a tree’, Pete sat down at the kitchen table. ‘As you know moi dad wasn’t a man o’ many words but I knew roight from the start Oi’d hear more words from him than Oi’d ever done before. So there we were looking at the pigs and he were trying to find the roight way to tell me about the birds and the bees. And Oi can remember as if it were yesterday, he patted me on the head and told me about pigs. He said that the boars went mental once a year, would jump on the backs of anythin’ on four legs, as long as it were about their size. And that were because millions and millions of sperm wanted to get out. He put in plain words we ‘ave the same problem once we get to a certain age but because we are humans we don’t ‘ave it just once a year. We’d ‘ave it continuously. Oi found it hard to believe that so many of these so called sperm just laid there in waitin’ for a moment in toime to all just be wantin’ to rush out. It was about half a year later when Sally Pilkinton came into moi class, she’d moved here to Son upon Tine from Flaunton and she were seated next to me. Oi went all funny, followed her everywhere and wondered if I’d reached the age moi father had been talkin’ ‘bout. One day she asked whoi I was followin’ her round. Oi must’ve been just14 then. Oi told her it was probably moi sperm that was playing up and that Oi’d gone mental. That got me into roight trouble, Oi can remember that. She’d told her parents who subsequently told moi teacher Mrs. Capstan. Remember her? She wasn’t havin’ it and turned up at our farm. Moi Dad did his best to explain it away and moi mum went spare after Mrs. Capstan left. Moi mother then explained the whole thing again a day or two later when moi father was out and confused me even more. She told me it was about this mystical thing called love and affection, things loike that. Oi did not understand a word she said. But one thing Oi do know and Oi firmly believe moi dad was roight there, it messes up our brain Anthony’. I will soon start blogging when time becomes available.